DESIGN: m. (Ital. disegno). Trace drawing.
(Petit Larousse Illustrated, Paris 1912.)
DESIGN: nm delineation of a figure, description or sketch of something done with words.
(Dictionary Planeta, Bogota 1982.)
DESIGN: m. Trace. Delineation of a building or a figure. Oral outline of a thing.
(Dictionary Sopena La Fuente, Barcelona 1986.)
DESIGN: ( Del it. disegno ).
1. m. Trace or delineation of a building or a figure.
2. m. Project plan. Urban design
3. m. Original conception of an object or work for serie.DiseƱo graphic production, fashion, industrial
4. m. Form each of these objects. The design of this chair is inspired modernist
5. m. Description or verbal sketch of something.
6. m. Available spots, colors or patterns that characterize externally animals and plants.
(Dictionary of the Royal English Academy, Madrid 2010.)
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