Monday, March 21, 2011

What Happened 2010


composition. (Del lat. Compositio,-onis).
1. f. Action and effect of composing.
2. f. Scientific, literary or musical.
3. f. Poem, text unit effect, usually in verse.
4. f. Writing in which students develop a theme, given by the teacher or chosen freely to exercise his command of language, narrative skill, his literary sensibility, and so on.
5. f. Adjustment, agreement between two or more people.
6. f. composure (ǁ modesty).
7. f. Der. Arrangement, usually with compensation, which allowed the old law on the consequences of a crime, between the offender and the victim or the family of this.
8. f. Escape and Pint. Art group the figures and accessories to achieve the best effect, as it has to represent.
9. f. Gram. Procedure in which words are formed by joining two words with or without morphological variation, p. eg., frowning, dishwasher. It also applies to the voices formed with words from other languages, especially Latin and Greek, p. eg., neuralgia, video.
10. f. Impr. Set of lines, galleys and pages, before tax.
11. f. Mus. Part of the music that teaches the rules for the formation of song and accompaniment.
12. f. Transp. Joint cars forming a train.
13. f. disuse. Prayer for the teacher of grammar in Romance dictated to his disciple for the translation into the language learning.

We want the definition number 8, which gives the Royal Academy of English Language this word ....


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